Make Changes that Last in the New Year

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A clean start on New Year’s Day sounds like a dream. I’m such a goals/resolutions/to-do list junkie and just want to pack life into its neat little, controlled parts. If something can be quantified and organized, I’m all in. Too bad life doesn’t work that way. The whole resolution thing hasn’t worked for me. I’m … Read more

Letting Go of Good Things

My big dream is to travel the world as a family, going to hard places to help communities and great organizations. I want to build schools, create jobs, teach women, and help families thrive. Some people think we’re crazy, possibly bordering on irresponsible. Even I think it’s mildly insane when I estimate the costs and … Read more

Permission to Dream in the Middle of Your Ordinary Days

Do you remember when you were little and thought you could be anything? Little kids imagine life without limitations. They are superheroes who save the world and princesses who live in castles. As we get older our big dreams slowly slip away which each additional responsibility and we become a little more hardened each time … Read more

Barrier-busting coaching for women ready to
OWN THEIR MOXIE and live their God-Given Purposes.