How to Review Your Leadership Style, by Enneagram Type

Achievement Agreement Arms

Goals, purpose, success – all words associated with what you do, how you do it, and why you do it. Although their meaning is unique, the necessity to measure them is universal. Learning how to review your leadership style through the lens of your Enneagram type transforms the way you lead. Type 1: The Reformer … Read more

Stop Deceiving Yourself

stop deceiving yourself

This is a pep talk we both need. Stop deceiving yourself. My life is not better than yours. Your life is not better than mine. We need to focus on being who we are each meant to be. But I don’t want to be a Perfectionist… Quite a few years ago, I started studying the … Read more

Grow With Grace

grow with grace

You have a dream. But you also have a life and feel like you’re falling further behind every day. Success is easy, right—Name the Dream | Work Hard and Grow | Achieve Success?! Success is never quite that easy. The grace you receive + the grace you give = your ability to grow with grace. … Read more

In a World of Possibilities, Know Where You’re Headed

know where you’re headed

Dream big. Your opportunities are endless. Start today. Work hard. Don’t stop. Keep going. And, be grateful and joyful. God has a plan for you. People are watching. Overwhelmed yet? In a world of possibilities, why is it so hard to know where you’re headed? Too many options These things I know for sure. God … Read more

Only You Can Build Your Dream

build your dream

In my mind, there’s a future me who is a bible teacher and coach. My words flow into books and courses, which then help women find a greater appreciation of who God created them to be. But, my books and courses won’t reach the people who need them if I don’t act. This is my … Read more

3 Good Gifts: Grace, Patience, and Confidence

3 good gifts

“You’re the hardest person to shop for!” According to my husband, children, and stepmom, I am indeed the hardest person to shop for. How would you feel if instead of another candle this year, you got something guaranteed to make a difference in your life? And what if you didn’t have to wait to receive … Read more

A Woman’s Place Is… (surprising the skeptics)

a woman's place is

Might as well, jump right into this conversation. Is there a more cringey way to start a conversation than “a woman’s place is…?” Rarely does anything productive or good come from that line because we’re tired of being “put in our place” by anyone other than God. What if we agree to start a conversation? … Read more

Sacred Self-Awareness in a Self-Help World

Photo By Jordan Whitfield On Unsplash

Social media is full of helpful posts—be your best self, find happiness, ditch those destructive habits, achieve, succeed, change. We’re bombarded by encouraging voices selling a better version of us and our life. Friends, none of their suggestions create wholeness. In a self-help world, we need sacred self-awareness. Self-awareness vs. self-help, the difference is key … Read more

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

At some point, we connected being a “good Christian” with living a comfortable life. Our definition of being “blessed” more closely resembled a grown-up Christmas list instead of God’s character. Friend, if you’re honestly trying to do God’s will, get comfortable being uncomfortable. Real talk None of us want life to be any harder than … Read more

Think, Feel, and Do – Embrace Your Instincts

think, feel, and do

Looking back, there are plenty of times I wish I would have reacted slower, considered how others felt, or researched more. But, when faced with a decision, I tend to assess and act. Sometimes it works well, other times not so much. Even as time softens your rough edges, maturity insists you embrace your instincts. … Read more

Barrier-busting coaching for women ready to
OWN THEIR MOXIE and live their God-Given Purposes.